How To Program The Subconscious Mind


Let’s think of the subconscious mind as a huge memory bank where all our experiences, memories and thoughts are stored. We may forget the thought or the event, but the memory and thought form itself is stored somewhere in our mental body. That is why, through hypnosis or other techniques, a person can recall the exact event.

Comparing the mind to a computer means that every thought is like a file which is stored in a folder. Therefore, the function of the subconscious mind is to store and retrieve data whenever necessary. This is to ensure we respond to events and outside stimuli exactly in the way we are programmed by the conscious mind or, by the influence of other people and the environment.

Now if we liken the conscious mind to a gardener planting seeds, then the subconscious mind is the fruits.

The subconscious mind’s job is to make sure you follow a pattern which is consistent with your self-concept or self-image. The reason why the subconscious mind has such a role is to protect us from harm and danger. The main goal is survival, which is connected with the idea of your comfort zone. So if you want to do something new, something you have never done before, the subconscious mind gets alarmed and creates a feeling of fear or anxiety for you not to go through with it, simply because the outcome is unknown. You may get hurt!

The subconscious mind, therefore, is not just a collection of thoughts and programs!

In complementary therapy, human beings are believed to have an energy field around. This energy field is composed of energy centers, also known as chakras or acupuncture points, as well as energy channels, also known as meridians or nadis. In fact each of these chakras have consciousness of their own. According to Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, chakras are like pets.

“Chakras are like pets. They have a Consciousness of their own. The Chakras must be controlled!”
Master Choa Kok Sui

Although you may have heard of 7 major chakras, there are basically 11 major chakras.

“The Kabbalistic tradition mentions about 10 sephiroth which are 10 energy centers plus one hidden center. The Upanishads mentions about a city with 11 gates. These correspond to the 11 major chakra system. The chakras are “gates” or energy centers.”
Master Choa Kok Sui

In Pranic Healing, these 11 major chakras are explained and introduced in detail. Each chakra has physiological, psychological and spiritual functions. Since these chakras have a consciousness of their own, they react to situations in a specific manner.

For example, the Solar Plexus chakra is known as the center for lower emotions. Therefore in any unpleasant situation, the Solar Plexus gets activated to help us deal with the situation. For example, if someone steals what belongs to you, the Solar Plexus chakra gets filled with anger. This is to make sure you get back what is yours. However the Solar Plexus chakra must be controlled by you, the soul! Otherwise you will negatively react to the situation, instead of responding in a way that gives a positive outcome.

In other words, the consciousness of the chakras exist to help us survive, live and grow. However if they are not controlled, life becomes chaotic.

In esoteric Persian poetry, there is a story about a camel who had a baby in a city. A man uses this camel to travel from the initial city to another city. During the day time, when the man is awake, the camel follows the man’s instructions and moves towards the destination. However during the night time, when the man is sleepy and half awake, the camel goes backward towards the city where her baby is.

This story basically refers to us humans. Whenever our soul is in control of our bodies (physical, emotional and mental) and our chakras, we can move forward towards the purpose of our existence – towards evolution. However whenever the soul loses control, the bodies will tempt us to behave in other unpleasant ways that may not serve our greater purpose.

This subconscious mind must be controlled!

The computer user must control the computer, not the vice versa.

There are in fact many methods for reprogramming the mind, ranging from affirmations to visualization techniques. However before programming the mind, first we need to delete the unproductive and destructive programs! In Pranic Healing this is done through purification. That is why purification is more important than meditation, and it comes prior to it.

One of the most effective methods in deleting and disintegrating these negative programs is the Pranic Psychotherapy technique, taught by Master Choa Kok Sui, in which such thought forms are targeted and disintegrated using a meticulous technique. Thoughts of self limitation, wherein we think we are not good enough, or not worthy of love, money or the good things in life are some of the negativities that can be removed. Our own limitations come from within, and not so much from outside forces.

Meditation on Twin Hearts also has a tremendous purifying technique on the mind through bringing down divine energy. Divine energy disintegrates these negative programs and flushes them out of our system. Once the purification is done, programming will become much easier.



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