How to Have More Inner Experiences During Meditation?


For some people, it is very easy to have inner experiences during meditation, from seeing light, to colors, the solar system or even future events. You may have been doing meditation for a while now and asking yourself, “Why don’t I have any mind-blowing experiences yet?”

Well… Spirituality is a science. There are two parts to this. To have a spiritual experience, it’s necessary for your consciousness to expand during the meditation, and secondly, your brain should be able to register and remember the impressions clearly! This is possible by following a number of steps, and the consideration of a few important factors:


“For the Blessing to flow through you, you have to be physically and energetically clean; otherwise, there will be resistance.” Master Choa Kok Sui

Subtle energy, similar to other types of energy such as electricity, is bound by the laws of physics – Conductivity and Resistance. To have a fabulous experience during your spiritual practice, you need to receive spiritual energy. Spiritual energy helps to raise your consciousness higher. However if you have lots of resistance in your aura, in the form of negative thoughts, negative emotions and etheric contamination, you will not be conductive enough.

These lower tendencies act as ballast or heavy weight, pulling down your consciousness. Resentment is one such negative emotion. It is very important to purify your system before sitting for meditation. If your system is not purified, therefore, not ready, hundreds of hours of meditation will be useless.

“Preparation for meditation is as important as the meditation itself.” Master Choa Kok Sui

Preparation for meditation includes several physical, etheric, emotional and mental purification techniques. This includes, physical exercise, breathing exercise, inner reflection & firm resolution and the Blue Triangle technique taught by Master Choa Kok Sui.

Besides the concept of conductivity, stillness is another important factor.
Based on a Taoist proverb, “if the water is turbulent you cannot see through. But if the water is calm and clear you can see through.”

This simply means to have inner experiences, there must be stillness and peace within.

“To fly in the inner world there must be Calmness and Stillness within you.” Master Choa Kok Sui

The clouds of negative thoughts and emotions act as inner noises. When you are about to receive guidance in the form of messages from your higher soul, these noises interfere and divert your attention.

Therefore purification is a necessity to have a better meditation experience.

Meditation Techniques

Many people think meditation is just sitting down in a dark room and being still. Maybe there’s a candle burning. This isn’t exactly accurate. Meditation is a technology. Having the proper meditation technique can help you accelerate your spiritual development.

“The purpose of Meditation is to develop your Higher Faculties. Without this development, understanding deeper Spiritual Truths is not possible.” Master Choa Kok Sui

To fulfill this purpose, many techniques are available globally, each using a certain approach to spiritual development. Whatever technique you are using, the activation of the Crown chakra is a necessity for receiving spiritual energy.

There are many methods to activate the Crown, ranging from yogic poses to chanting mantras and holding mudras, but many of such techniques are not rapid enough. One of the fastest ways to activate the Crown is through activating the Heart chakra, since the Heart and Crown are connected – the Heart is known as the center for human love, while the Crown is known as the center for universal love!

The Meditation on Twin Hearts developed by Master Choa Kok Sui is one of the meditations that can help you activate your Crown chakra rapidly and properly. In this meditation you become a channel to bless every person and every being using the invocation of St. Francis of Assisi. This step is necessary for the next step, which is the meditation on the mantra OM and the ensuing stillness.

If you follow the guided steps in this meditation you can have an inner experience much sooner than you think. Meditation on Twin Hearts also serves as a foundation for all the higher and more advanced meditations of Arhatic Yoga, since it helps to activate the Crown chakra. 

“The Rules for Meditation are similar to the rules for driving a car. Follow the simple instructions!” Master Choa Kok Sui

Spiritual Energy

As discussed earlier, spiritual energy is the key to spiritual development. Techniques are very important, but without energy techniques will not work. You may have the latest and best gadgets but without electricity they’re useless! Likewise, you may have the best meditation technique in the world, but without spiritual energy it remains useless.

“To a large extent, Spiritual Development is Energy.” Master Choa Kok Sui

The key is in being conductive to the spiritual energy passing though your higher soul. Besides the purification techniques discussed earlier, faith and surrender to the divine and your spiritual teacher is also important. In fact, the purification techniques help you remove your pride and lower tendencies that prevent you from being conductive.

“Spiritual success depends on your Conductivity. No Spiritual Conductivity, no progress!” Master Choa Kok Sui


Entitlement matters in anything you do. It is in giving that we receive! This means service is one of the most important aspects of spiritual development.

By helping other people to move towards the light, you will grow spiritually.

“If you want to Evolve, you also have to help other people evolve.” Master Choa Kok Sui

Evolution also means development of your higher psychic faculties that lead to having more inner experiences.

“Doing Service is a faster way to develop than meditating alone in the mountains!” Master Choa Kok Sui


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