Evolutionary Development

Client: Master Choa Kok Sui Date: October 26, 2013 Category: View Project

“The average size of the major chakras varies depending upon the evolutionary development of the person…

Being a clairvoyant or psychic does not necessarily mean that the person is quite developed or has big chakras. As a matter of fact, some ordinary clairvoyants are quite emotional, and the average sizes of major chakras are about four to five inches only.

Being a yogi or being on the spiritual path for more than ten or twenty years does not necessarily mean that the person is quite developed. As a matter of fact, the author has encountered some so called “yogis” or “spiritual practitioners” in whom the average size of the major chakras in only about four to five inches in diameter. With no offence intended, these people have so much pride and suffer from delusion of spiritual superiority. They behave as though they know so much and are quite spiritually developed. They are just fooling themselves. Their esoteric knowledge is superficial and contaminated with so much superstitious nonsense. Their spiritual cord or antakharana may be only hair-like, and not even measuring one inch. Based on spiritual or yogi standard, they are only in nursery.

There are several spiritual or yogi systems of activating the chakras and awakening the kundalini. Arhatic Meditation is one systems that systematically, safely and rapidly activates the chakras and awakes the kundalini.”

Master Choa Kok Sui, Advanced Pranic Healing, Pages 29-30, World Pranic Healing Foundation, India


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