Pranic Prosperity Healing

Pranic Prosperity Healing

$ 50.00$ 300.00

You need to know the science of attracting money!

Getting rich is not all about hard physical work. Perhaps you have come across people who work very hard but are not as rich as they should be. It’s not just about working long hours, but also on the Energy.

Everything in the universe is composed of energy and follows its very fundamental laws and principles. Prosperity is also a form of energy; and to be prosperous we need to remove the poverty thought forms and fill our system with the energy of wealth.

In order to do so there are certain steps that can ensure our prosperity and success if followed properly.

Pranic Prosperity Healing is offered in a monthly basis. The sessions include Mondays and Fridays at 7:30 am Malaysian Time / 5 am IST & Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:30 pm Malaysian Time / 5 pm IST.

How it works:

After you sign up, you’ll be added to a WhatsApp group. Zoom links will be shared for the scheduled live sessions. The sessions include exercises, blessings and the addressing of the energy blockages which prevent your prosperity flow. This is followed by energizing and prosperity healing.

Please note that with all things energy, it takes time for results to materialize. Many other factors, such as the law of karma and inner limitations are also there, which take time to be worked on. This is a group session. For individual prosperity consultations, please refer to our Prosperity Management Packages.


Additional information


16 Sessions Offered to Choose From. Please note that this is a group session.


Monday & Friday 7:30am GMT+8 (5am IST), Wednesdays & Fridays 7:30pm GMT+8 (5pm IST)

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