Feng Shui Gold Package

Feng Shui Gold Package

$ 250.00

Pranic Feng Shui is designed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui through extensive research and validation which enables us to attract and enhance the quality of our life using the universal principles of energy.
It is based on the principle of Prana, Chi or subtle energy. Feng Shui simply refers to the knowledge of harnessing the energy of the surroundings and remaining in harmony with nature. It is in fact a technology that teaches how to increase energies of success, good health, happiness, prosperity and spirituality through Geomancy and using the energy field of the Earth.
You will send us the Plan and Interior Arrangements of your home or office and we will guide you in detail how to re-arrange it so that your work-place will be able to harness the natural energies that suit your business and/or organization activity. This will bring lots of prosperity to your work-place without you spending additional time and effort.


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