Red Garnet


Attracting Prosperity and Abundance

Red garnet is often known as the stone for a successful business. Its color is believed to attract prosperity and abundance and is often prescribed to improve productivity and physical activity. Red garnet is also used as a cure for depression and self-esteem.

To understand the reason behind the effectiveness of red garnet on the above-mentioned matters including success, productivity and prosperity you need to have a basic knowledge about the chakras, color pranas or colors of energies and how they affect our health and wellbeing.

Basically red garnet activates and strengthens the Basic chakra and this happens because of the color of energy it produces. Basic chakra as the chakra for physical dynamism, material success and prosperity affects our ability to attract money as well as our productivity. Therefore garnet is often being used by businessmen, to stimulate success in their business. To more about the chakras and the colors of energies you are encouraged to read “Chakras and their Functions” and “Advanced Pranic Healing” books written by Master Choa Kok Sui.

Red garnet therefore is used to heal problems such as physical depression, general weakness, low productivity. It can also help to strengthen the instinct of survival, improve courage as well as increase the sex drive. Garnet further keeps you grounded, strong and fully earthed, so that nothing can easily shake you.

Red garnet, like many other crystals, is not advisable to be used by people with cancer, fever,

Not all types of garnet are red though and therefore not all types of garnets provide the properties discussed; based on the colors they produce different qualities. Garnet species are found in various colors such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black, pink and colorless Various types of garnets include: Almandine which appears as red to violet red, Spessartine being yellow, rose or reddish-brown, Pyrope that is deep red in color, Grossular with varieties of white, yellow, yellow-green, brownish-red, orange or black, Andradite which can be found colorless, yellow-green and brown to back and Demantoid, which is the most expensive type with emerald green variety and is a member of the andradite group. Because the chemical composition of various types of garnets varies, their hardness varies as well. The atomic bonds in some species are in fact stronger than others. The harder species in this case such as Almandine are often used for abrasive purposes.

Garnets are a group of silicate minerals that have been used since the Bronze Age as gemstones and abrasives. Red garnets were the most commonly used gemstones in the late Antique Roman world and the migration period art of the barbarians who took over Western Roman Empire. The name “garnet” is derived from the Latin word “Granatus,” granum (seed) + suffix atus which possibly refers to mela granatum or pomum granatum (pomegranate), because of the resemblance the granular varieties of garnet bears to the seeds of that fruit. In 14th century Middle English term, garnet means “dark red.” The size of different types of garnets varies from a grain of sand to the size of an apple.

Studying legends and folklore literature, you will find garnet among the most ancient talismans, specially by warriors in battlefields. In Europe during the Middle Ages, Garnet was used to enhance truth, and constancy, and to dispel melancholy. As a Warrior’s Stone, Garnet served as a talisman in the Crusades for both the Christians and Muslims.

It is believed that garnet was formally called Carbuncle, which means from fire-coals, because of having the color of fire. The Hebrew name for the carbuncle was Bareketh, meaning flashing stone, or Barak, meaning lightning. It is believed that garnet was a stone in the breastplate of the High Priest.

“Eastern legends assert that a carbuncle was suspended in the Ark of Noah to diffuse light. The word Bareketh has been translated by the Greeks word “Karaunos,” aerolite – literally thunderstone.  Some authors state that it resembles the crystal in transparency, and drops from the clouds amidst the flashes of lightning.” A.Heylin


To know more about crystals and how they work, get cleansed, programmed and consecrated please attend the Pranic Crystal Healing workshop, designed and developed by Master Choa Kok Sui.

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  1. Megemont, F. (2008). The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals. Healing Arts Press.
  2. Fernie, W. T. (1973). The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones . Rudolph Steiner Publications.
  3. Mella, D. L. (1986). Stone Power II . Brotherhood of Life, Inc.
  4. Garnet Meanings and Uses. (n.d.). Retrieved from Crystal Vaults:
  5. Garnet Crystal Healing Properties. (n.d.). Retrieved from Crystal Wellbeing:
  6. Garnet gemstone meaning. (n.d.). Retrieved from Emily Gems:
  7. Heylin, A. (1866). The Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Record. The New York Public Library.
  8. Hastings, J. (2004). A Dictionary of the Bible: Volume IV: (Part II: Shimrath — Zuzim), Volume 4. The Minerva Group, Inc.
  9. Kunz, G. F. (2003). Curious Lore of Precious Stones . Kessinger Publishing.
  10. Lilly, S. S. (2003). Crystal, Colour and Chakra Healing. Anness Publishing Ltd.
  11. Master Choa Kok Sui. (1998). Pranic Crystal Healing. Institute for Inner Studies Publishing Foundation.
  12. Rosen, B. (2007). Crystal Basics. Octopus Publishing Group Ltd.

1 Comment

  1. Kristine June 21, 2016

    Red Garnet crystal
    Citrine crystal
    How much?

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