Chapter Two | Story Five
As they were chatting at the monkey’s house after dinner, turtle advised them to study their first mission thoroughly and what they needed to do to succeed.
“What equipment do we need uncle to win this challenge?” Asked the snake.
“More than equipment;” replied the turtle. “Team work is your most important asset; always remember this! I’ll help you with the equipment that you need, don’t worry about that dear ones.”
“In fact, about an hour walk from here, lives a beaver who is an excellent dam builder. He and his team work day and night to create structures that are masterpiece in this island. You need his instruments and his help to build bridges and walkways on your way to the mountain. But it is not easy to convince him to come with you. His work is very important to him. You must figure out what makes him receptive enough to help you in this mission.”
Suddenly, monkey’s mother jumped in their conversation while showing the clock! “I think it’s enough for know. It’s almost midnight and you kids better go and have a good night sleep so you can start your journey tomorrow fresh and bright.”
Next morning, the golden sun was glowing high in the sky, the colorful birds were flying all around the house and the smell of pancakes and honey was everywhere.
The monkey’s mother walked to his son’s room and gently sat beside him on the bed. She then looked at him with a loving smile and gently tapped his shoulders and woke him up. “Good morning my dear one. Did you have a good night sleep? I have made breakfast for you and your friends.”
Then she suddenly lowered her voice and whispered: “Son, I am a bit worried about you! Do you really need to go with them? The Heart of the Angel Mountain is very steep. There might also be wild animals there. It is not safe my dear. Let them go by themselves.”
The monkey then suddenly jumped out of the bed. “Mom, you started worrying again? I have a deal with snake. I have to go. I’ll be safe. Don’t worry. Your son is the most intelligent of all;” he answered with a smile on his face. He then ran out of his room and shouted: “Hey guys. Wake up. It’s morning! We need to go before it gets too late.”
So they started their journey once again after having a delicious breakfast prepared by monkey’s mom. She was a warm, lovely and respected woman and both the snake and the elephant were so happy to meet her.
After about an hour of walking, just as uncle turtle had explained, they reached a beautiful dam. There were many beavers working so meticulously and painstakingly.
They looked more closely and saw a middle-aged beaver guiding them what to do. “He must be the beaver we are looking for,” whispered the snake.
“Hello sir! May I get your time to discuss with you an important and very urgent issue;” asked the snake.
“Who are you? What do you think is more important and urgent than my dam?” Answered the beaver.
“Well, I don’t really mean more important, but adequately important. A nation’s life is depending on it.”
The beaver liked the snake’s polite and intelligent answer. “A nation’s life? What are you talking about? Who are you by the way? I can’t remember seeing you anytime in my life.”
“You are right sir. We have come from a far place. Our king has sent us on this mission to save our people from draught, famine and problems happening in our country and it would be our pleasure if you help us accomplish this great mission. Our King’s blessings will be upon you.”
“Well it sounds devastating, but why would I leave my workers to join you?”
“Because as I see, you already have established an amazing system for them to work. Even if you are not with them for a few days or more, I am sure they can continue the work with excellence. Furthermore I have something in my bag that you might love to have after accomplishing this mission,” Replied the snake, in a calm and confident manner.
The beaver was flattered by his complements and walked towards him to look at what he had that could convince him to go with them.
Once he saw what the snake had for him he instantly agreed to join them. He then quickly packed his instruments and gave his workers the instructions they needed to follow while he was away.
While the monkey and rest of the animals were wondering what the snake showed to the beaver, the snake said don’t look at me like that, I can’t show it to you. It’s a secret between the beaver and I…
Prana Kids Notes
The beaver symbolizes ray 7, which is Organizational Structure according to Master Choa Kok Sui, and is the lower correspondent of ray 1 (lion).
Atma Namasté!
I really love this histories, but I can´t read de last ones… I want to know if I need to do something special for reading them..
Thanks a lot for the pictures and the interesting history about the King, the elephant, the snake, the monkey…
Dear Alexandra, thank you so much for your comment. Please check if you can read now. we will be posting the rest of the story gradually. It is going to be 8 chapters. :)
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