“When you gather together in a group, the Higher Beings are forced to appear.”
Master Choa Kok Sui
Watching the TV, reading the news and hearing from friends, we are all aware of the recent natural and man-made calamities happening in various parts of the world!
Wars and confusions in the Middle East and Palestine, crushed planes, political insecurities and economical instabilities in South America, Africa and Europe, the question is what we can do about them?!
It is easy to sit at our comfortable homes and think we ourselves have lots of problems and disappointments to look into, so let them solve their own problems! It is easy to no enough to think, by building peace within us, the world will eventually achieve peace! We need to do more! Since we have the power and the techniques, it is now our responsibility to do something about all these problems affecting many people all over the world!
So let’s unite together and meditate for world peace.
The Institute for Inner Studies is organizing a 14-Day Twin Hearts Meditation Journey to bless all the countries affected by the man-made and natural calamities from 1st August until the 15th, which mark Master Choa Kok Sui’s birthday.
Following the words of our teacher who taught us to care, help and bless the needy, we join this amazing 14-Day journey and make ourselves instruments to bring heaven on earth!
The program will start from 1st August and finish on the 15th, 20:00 to 8:00 EDT, with our Master’s Birthday celebration.
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