Often people on the spiritual path have tendencies to think that money is not good, and can be the source of various vices. However the more accurate way is to look at money as a form of energy which can be used both for good as well as bad. In fact if money is in the hands of righteous people, it can be used for the benefit of a greater number of people. According to Master Choa Kok Sui (MCKS), “Money is Concretized Energy!” In fact material abundance gives freedom to pursue spiritual goals. Kriyashakti is all about getting empowered through the principles of energy.
Kriyashakti is a Sanskrit word which means “using the power of thought to manifest things in the physical plane.” It is basically the science of manifestation which gives the individual the ability to manifest his plans in a more effective way. Taught by MCKS, “Success does not necessarily depend on hard physical work. (You should) reformulate your strategy!” In this case Kriyashakti can be used as a tool to properly harness the power of thoughts and subtle energies to create a life of prosperity and success both materially and spiritually.
In the Kriyashakti Workshop you will learn:
- 7 effective ways of creating powerful Thought Forms.
- Prosperity Meditation, designed to cleanse old negative programming from childhood to continuously attract prosperity and wealth.
- To harness the Power of Thought Forms and Spoken Words to accelerate the manifestation of your dreams and plans.
- To use Secret Hand Gestures (mudras) known only to advanced practitioners of older eras.
- How to harness the power of money and abundance to accelerate your spiritual development.
- The Science of Tithing and Entitlement.
- To locate and activate your Prosperity Chakra and stay more practical and grounded.
Excellent post! I had such a struggle with this for SO long!!! I thgohut I was a good trainer and my value was connected with “getting people to follow the system” BUT I spent a lot of valuable time and energy coaxing people that had no intention of success. My Division Sales Mgr finally sat down and reminded me this very lesson and the valuable words, “Next”! Enjoyed your thgohuts as always, V
How do you find your passion when you have been in the bueissns for years and “lost” your “Why” ?I love my company, products and I love to give service, but I am still looking for the passion I know I shoulc have.
Would like to learn “Kriyashakti” – due time constrained of long course duration over the weekend have not been able to enroll. Have so far completed courses up to “Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul” at the Yoga Vidya Pranic Healing Foundation of West Bengal, India and benefitting greatly by practicing regularly.
Dear Ila, It is great that you are really willing to take up this course…
Once you have taken it, you will definitely see the benefits. It is really really worth it to just get a weekened off and attend the Kriyashakti workshop. It will change your life; guaranteed!!!
It is always pleasure to read this motivational words. Can you guide me further for Kriyahshakti Workshop. I will complete my Arhatic Prep 2 in Dec.
I m very keen to so kriyashakti course…..when can I do??? Will be looking forward to your reply….. I m based in Delhi.
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