Introducting Prana Life Crystals


Touch the Essence of Life

One of the very unique and valuable gifts of nature is the crystals and gem stones. What makes crystals so unique is the ability of crystals to absorb and store energy as well as its programmability. Crystals having a slight degree of consciousness can follow orders and can get programmed to help us in numerous ways including healing, protection, spirituality and prosperity.

Crystals also affect the human aura and the chakras. They act as an activator. The effects of crystals on our system can be different based on their color, quality, size and shape. Although crystals in general make the lower chakras bigger and activated, there are certain geometrical shapes and designs that can make the chakras activated in a more balanced way.

Since crystals activate the chakras, in certain conditions wearing crystals are not recommended such as in case of having cancer or hypertension. Furthermore crystals as energy absorbers can easily get contaminated by the person’s thoughts and emotions as well as contaminations of the surrounding environment. Therefore they need to be cleansed quite regularly to avoid possible contaminations for the user. This also applies when a person inherit a crystal or valuable gem stone. Sometimes, especially if the crystal has been inherited in generations, the degree of contamination is quite high; therefore it is highly important to purify them before use to avoid unnecessary complications.

Crystals are in fact known as powerful instruments for healing and protection worldwide. This is not only due to the quality of crystals to absorb and store energy, which make them get more powerful, but also rooted in their ability to follow simple instructions. The power can further increase using consecration techniques.

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PranaLife Crystals aims at intruding various types of crystals and their effects on the body and how they can be used to improve us in various aspects of life including health, spirituality and prosperity.

To know more about crystals and how they work, get cleansed, programmed and consecrated please attend the Pranic Crystal Healing workshop, designed and developed by Master Choa Kok Sui.


  1. KRISHNAMURTHY July 29, 2013

    PranaWorld is really GREAT !! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK…

  2. sridharbabu tammina July 18, 2014

    Good range of articles.

  3. Tehruna Meresh September 11, 2014

    Atma Namaste!
    I would like to contribute an article on GMCKS about my personal experience with Him. I have been with this school for more than 18 years and would really love to share my thoughts on the Guru.
    Warm regards

  4. Prana World October 13, 2014

    Thank you so much for your inspiring comments and thank you so much dear Tehruna for sharing with us your article. :)

  5. ali January 7, 2016

    Really simple, helpful and straightforward. Now more interested to attend master choa crystal course.
    Iooking forward with much enthusiasm to seeing more articles on your site
    Gratitude and love

  6. Ashley April 3, 2016

    Why is it suggested not to wear crystals if you have cancer or suffer from hypertension?

    • Tehruna meresh January 14, 2020

      Crystals activate the lower chakras more than the upper chakras and in people who have cancer their lower chakras are already overactive. Hence it will aggravate the condition.

  7. Tehruna meresh January 14, 2020

    Crystals activate the lower chakras more than the upper chakras and in people who have cancer their lower chakras are already overactive. Hence it will aggravate the condition.

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