An Inner Reflection Checklist


Inner Reflection – A Checklist

According to Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, awareness is necessary for Spiritual Evolution. To have Inner Awareness, one must practice Self-Honesty and Detachment. Here are a list of questions, based on the spiritual teachings of GMCKS and Paramahansa Yogananda, that we can ask ourselves. They can help us be to objective about ourselves – in our thoughts, words and actions. The answer is either yes, or it is no.


What is the quality of my spiritual practices?

  1. Do I meditate regularly morning and evening? At other times?
  2. Do I daily and correctly practice the techniques? With devotion and concentration or in a careless manner?
  3. Do I include the Guru’s prayers, chants and affirmations?
  4. Are my meditations short or long, calm or restless – am I alert, dull or sleepy? Am I striving to make every “today’s meditation deeper than yesterday’s?”
  5. Do I try to recall during my daily activities the peace and joy of meditation? Do I practice the presence of God? How much was I with God today? In thought, feeling and action?
  6. Do I keep regular periods of silence and seclusion in order to practice the presence of God in a deeper way?
  7. Am I setting aside one day or night a week for greater spiritual effort and for silence and longer meditations?
  8. Do I dedicate my work and all activities to God and Guru, remembering Who is the Doer?


Am I leading a balanced life?

  1. Do I get enough fresh air, sunshine, exercise and recreation?
  2. Do I study the Guru’s writings daily? What have I learned and what shall I apply more earnestly?
  3. Am I adhering to a simple, healthful diet? Do I avoid overeating?
  4. Am I moderate in the use of all my senses – am I striving for self-control and purity of mind?
  5. Do I work with concentration, and do I relax sufficiently when I have the opportunity?
  6. Do I balance my time properly?
  7. How do I use my free time: constructively, for a good purpose? Do I devote enough time for service to my family, friends, anyone in need, the Foundation or Center’s activities or the larger community?


How is my behavior towards others?

  1. Am I kind, considerate and thoughtful towards my family, business associates, friends and fellow disciples?
  2. Am I striving to become a living example of the Guru’s teachings, rather than merely instructing others on how to improve their own lives?
  3. Do I perform my duties in life cheerfully, without being reminded? Am I creative, efficient, enthusiastic, energetic, concentrated, willing, thoughtful?
  4. Do I indulge in moods? Was I angry, critical, jealous, fearful, worried? Or did I practise calmness, determination, courage, hope, silence and divine love?
  5. In conversation with others, am I friendly, truthful, positive – avoiding negative and critical remarks? Do I avoid gossip?
  6. Am I beginning to live more by the ideal of forgetting self and serving others?


Am I a lone wolf or do I participate in group activities?

  1. Do I attend meditations, meetings, special events, workshops at my local Foundation or Center?
  2. How much service am I performing for the Guru’s work – can I possibly give more time or material support to his cause?
  3. Am I willing to share duties or rotate with others, or do I selfishly cling to ‘position’?
  4. Am I interesting other persons in the GMCKS Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga path by my good example?
  5. Have I brought anyone to a Twin Hearts Meditation session as my guest?


How am I as a person?

  1. Am I really striving each day to draw closer to God – am I developing a deeper love for God, for Guru, for others?
  2. Am I striving to seek God’s will in all my thoughts, feelings and actions?
  3. Do I feel happier as time passes, and am I striving for right attitude under all circumstances?
  4. Am I living according to the basic laws of human conduct by following the virtues and purifying the vices?
  5. Am I practicing loyalty to God, Guru and the Guru’s teachings?

By being objective with ourselves, we will have a clear idea of where we stand. By revisiting this checklist in the future, and comparing it with our present replies, we will know how much we have improved.



  1. Master Choa Kok Sui. (2000). Miracles through Pranic Healing. Institute for Inner Studies Publishing Foundation.
  2. Paramahansa Yogananda (1946). Spiritual Teachings of Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda. Yogoda Satsanga Society of India.


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  1. anita March 28, 2018

    very inspireing

  2. pratima April 11, 2018

    very inspiring and informative, there is so much to do and learn at the same time. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful content.

  3. Simi Shewaramani November 11, 2018

    The more I evolve the more I want to involve ! I have experienced so many miracles with Pranic healing it is just amazing to be a healer

  4. Ravi Lande April 17, 2020

    Good, Keep spreading knowledge.

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