I am Not the Body, I am the Soul


I AM That I AM

Few years ago, during a full moon meditation, I sat with others in a circle, crossed-legged on the floor, and we meditated together. It was a guided meditation, and as usual, we followed the instructions and the visualisation exercise.

However, sometime in the middle of the meditation, with my eyes closed, I saw the whole room as it was, but the people had all become grey and transparent, and in the middle of each chest, was a spark of light, like the bright flame of a candle.

As I watched this vision silently and peacefully, I understood that our bodies are empty vessels, empty containers for the soul in which to live out their lives in order to learn our lessons. The scene was beautiful and profound, and I sat there admiring it.

If you had seen this, you would have understood that all dramas in life are petty and trivial. In the great vastness of existence and space, all things will pass, along with your troubles and challenges. You might think your problems are too huge and too heavy, but tomorrow, next week or next month, it will be resolved. Either you will resolve it yourself, or somebody else will help you, or circumstances will rearrange or align themselves in a certain way for the resolution to take place. The important thing is to ask yourself – what can I learn from this problem or challenge? What is the take home message?

We are each a spark of light, one among an infinite number in the universe. Even though we are a little spark, each originating from the universe, and will return home to the source one day, we each hold the power of the universe within us, and this power holds unlimited potential.

So, do not think that you are only a small person, weak and unable to accomplish your goals or achieve success in life. Instead, think that you hold infinite potential within you. Believe it. Feel it. Mentally set the intention to achieve your goals, but be prepared to work hard for it. If it does not work out, try a different strategy or a different approach.

Appreciating the Body

Although our body is the vehicle for the soul, it should always be cared for lovingly and attentively, and not neglected and abused. The body is not an inanimate object, but a precious gift. Most people take their bodies for granted, just as they never think about breathing or the beating of their hearts, until something happens.

Leading a spiritual life does not mean we should prioritise the spiritual aspects of life and neglect physical existence. Aiming for a balance is the way to go.

Our body is intuitive and intelligent. With the proper care, the body can achieve optimum condition and we can enjoy the best quality of life. If we neglect and abuse our body, it can rebel and eventually shut down.

Think of your body as your partner in life, from birth till death. Therefore, you should appreciate it, because it allows you to do the things you need to do, and live the life that you want to live.

For example, when you meditate, you can say, “Dear body, thank you for working hard today. I appreciate you.” Then, wait to see if your body responds. Different people might receive responses in different ways. If you do not receive a response, it is all right. You can try again another day.

Most people look in the mirror to find imperfections, such as pimples, eye bags or wrinkles. Instead, when you look in the mirror, try to find something nice. You can say a positive body statement, such as “I think this hairstyle suits me” or “My eyes are pretty”. Remember, your body is listening. These are called affirmations and should not be taken lightly.

Do not say things like “I look terrible” or “Why am I so ugly”. Imagine if you are talking about your best friend and he or she overhears you. How would your best friend feel? If you say positive things to your body, it will react positively in the long run. Try it for a few months and see the difference.

Before you were born, your soul chose the characteristics and qualities you were going to have, even your ethnicity, geographical location, and family. How you look like is not an accident. You are meant to look the way you are, and everything is appropriate and as it should be, in order to assist you in learning your life lessons.

Before I drift off to sleep every night, I will pat myself on the shoulder or arm, and say, “Thank you for doing a good job today, dear body.” If I went to sleep at 3am and needed to wake up at 6am, I would tell my body “I need to wake up at 6am and it is very important because I’m attending an important meeting or conference/going on a trip/etc. Please have a deep sleep. Have a good rest. I can’t afford to be late. I can take a nap later in the day.” Every time, by 6am or whatever time I am supposed to wake up at, I will hear the first ring of the alarm, or even wake up before that. I would not feel tired and lethargic, but feel that I had had adequate sleep.

Life is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the journey. Keep an open mind, and explore the world to gain new knowledge and skills. Perhaps you can pick up something useful and effective along the way to improve yourself and your life.

1 Comment

  1. Vani December 19, 2018

    I haven’t yet read and I’m feeling so much energy.

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