Finding Balance in Life with Pranic Healing


A Change to Find Peace…

As a child, I remember being taught a theory of human survival that eventually led to self-actualization. The theory was that when you had the basics of life worked out … food, shelter, clothing, finances, you could begin the path to becoming self-actualized.   The message for me was that I needed to expend my energies pursuing the “material” areas of life first then I could focus on higher areas like the perpetual mysteries:  what was the purpose of life, why was I born, did God really know me?

With this survival belief fervently structured into my consciousness, I began making my way through the corporate world.  However, it wasn’t until mid-life that the foundation started cracking, threatening my survival … health, career, finances, and relationships.

First came a health crisis, then a work crisis, then relationships, and other areas of my life.  It was as if one contaminated areas started bleeding into the others.  However, based on my survival belief that had worked so far, all I had to do was put more effort into the area needing attention.  But what do you do when everything needs fixing?

The most shocking aspect of this crisis was that while many of the outer components of life were crumbling, my inner awareness started revealing a deep inner emptiness, a sense of being in a forest yet not knowing how I got there.  The most difficult part was admitting to myself that my life was no longer fulfilling.

Yet I needed to understand whether the emptiness caused the problems OR the problems caused the emptiness. Did the health crisis cause the emptiness because of the forced changes I had to make in my lifestyle OR did the emptiness in the beginning cause the health crisis?

To continue the story … I was fortunate enough to be divinely guided through many serendipitous events to Pranic Healing.  It was then that I began to feel relief for the first time in many years thanks to the healing I received from Pranic Healing Masters and Healers.   My physical and emotional health showed the first signs of improvement.  Secondly, when I earnestly began a daily practice of the Meditation on Twin Hearts, other areas of my life started changing, too.  The instructors of Pranic Healing explained this miracle through a Universal Law of giving and receiving.  By my daily gifts of blessing the Earth and its inhabitants, blessings of healing were coming back to me in many forms.

And not surprisingly, the emptiness that I reluctantly felt inside also left as quietly as it had entered.  My life began to be filed with unanticipated opportunities that made the needed changes for me.  My job changed.  My relationships changed.  My finances changed.  And my inner-self changed to find peace.

Balance in Life Divider

So what’s the message that I would like to leave you?

When I began to shift my focus towards finding a healthy balance between a material and spiritual life …  the material necessities came more easily than ever before.  It was no longer necessary to chase money and success … these were being provided to me in the forms of opportunities that I could make the best of using my creative gifts.

This time around, the work was easier, more productive and a lot more fulfilling!

By prioritizing a practice like Pranic Healing you can find that missing balance in life of spiritual richness and material prosperity.

In case you are currently in the midst of one of life’s transition or are beginning to feel an emptiness in your heart, try the Meditation on Twin Hearts once a week.  It takes only 30 minutes.  Even better, join a PH meditation group.  Then eventually work up to a daily practice of meditation.  You will begin to notice many positive changes in your life and in yourself.

HINT:  When you give love, you will receive love.  When you give money through tithing, you will receive abundance!  When you help create success for others, it will be given to you.  When you heal others, you will be healed!

The Pranic Healing practice is a path to soul-actualization and manifesting your greatness.  No looking back.  Just take the first step!


  1. Gemma Quisumbing August 5, 2016

    Nice one atma karen

  2. Angeli Yatco August 5, 2016

    Dear Atma Karen:
    The only way to give back to all the blessings you have received and continuously receiving is only through sharing your gifts, abilities, love and service.
    Keep glowing and flowing, Our God and His Armies of Angels are with you and there for you all the time.

    We thank you for your person. Namaste!


    Angel Yatco

  3. Danna September 5, 2018

    Hi Karen,
    So wonderful to find this by you. Have been thinking about you. Sounds wonderful what you’re doing.
    Your friend,
    Danna B

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