The Mental Body

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The Mental Body

All levels
5 lessons
0 quizzes
43 students

In this book we will see how the mental body works. It deals with particulars or concrete thoughts, such as a specific book, or a house or colors. In comparison, the causal body deals with principles and concepts – such as architecture, or writing in general, or color theory and so on.

This naturally leads us to the more deliberate training of the mental body, including:

1) Concentration, that most obvious usage of an effective mental life,

2) Meditation, and finally,

3) Contemplation, leading to mystic consciousness.

We will delve deeply into concepts and practices that help us develop our mental body, such as understanding mental essence, the functions of the mental body, and thought waves. We will also understand the workings of the desire mind and the amazing mechanism of Thought Transference!


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