Labours of Hercules

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Labours of Hercules

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The labours of Hercules provide insights and solutions. By learning from Hercules’ mistakes and applying the lessons he learned, we can avoid many problems before they even arise. And if the issues do arise, then we’ll be equipped with the knowledge of how to overcome it and fix it

Essentially, it makes life easier.
The 12 labours of Hercules, when seen in this light, are symbolical references to the disciple’s journey. The first task about the wild mares? It’s about a spiritual aspirant starting out on their job without realising the magnitude of their task!
They’re unprepared and ill-informed, and they get frustrated with the job and aren’t always successful. So the story about the mares is about learning to fail and redo the labour until success comes.
This is one labour. Imagine what the deeper significances are. Imagine what the other labours talk about as the spiritual aspirant moves through their soul’s journey!

The Labours of Hercules – an astrological interpretation by Alice Bailey, gives a vivid account of the journey of the soul as it incarnates progressively through the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The labours that Hercules performs symbolise the specific challenges that face all disciples as they go through life’s challenges.

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