Awaken your Inner Psychic

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Awaken your Inner Psychic

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1 lesson
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26 students

Unlock the Power of Intuition: Delve into the mystical world of psychic senses and how they’re more than just a hunch.

Enhance Decision-Making: Unlock the benefits of a finely tuned intuition in your day-to-day life.

Discern Intuition from Inner Parasites: Learn to separate your intuitive voice from the distracting chatter of the mind.

Practical Tools: Get hands-on examples and techniques to awaken your intuitive abilities.


  • Opening Invocation: Setting the energetic space for the session
  • Introduction: An overview of intuition and its role in our lives
  • What is Intuition?: Unveiling the mystical yet practical aspects
  • Benefits of Awakening Intuition: How it enriches your life and decision-making
  • Intuition vs. Inner Parasite: Understanding the critical difference
  • Example of Using Intuition: Real-world applications and outcomes
  • Requirements for Awakening Intuition: – Cleansing rituals – Crown chakra activation – The importance of stillness
  • How to Awaken Intuition: – Mindfulness practices – Meditation techniques – Journaling for brain training
  • Closing Invocation: A final blessing and next steps
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