5 Tips for Using Crystals

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5 Tips for Using Crystals

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Today, more people than ever before are open to using crystals. And for good reason!

These gems are infused with thousands – sometimes millions—of years of the Earth’s history, granting them a healing energy that can help boost any mindful practice. Natural crystals are gifts from the earth that come in many beautiful varieties, and there are lots of creative ways to work with them to enhance your health and wellbeing.

“A crystal can absorb, store, project and focus subtle energies. In a certain sense, it is just like a rechargeable battery that can absorb, store and release electrical energy. ” ~ Master Choa Kok Sui

Each crystal has different properties, so the correct use of them can help us reach our goals more easily and with greater awareness The color of a crystal impacts the kind of energy or color prana that comes out of it. For example, Rose Quartz gives off pink prana while clear quartz emits white prana.

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