For Peace and Illumination
Among all the meditation techniques revealed to public, Twin Hearts Meditation is perhaps one of the most effective and efficient meditations that has recorded many glowing testimonials of personal healing, spiritual uplifting, relationship improvements and positive life transformations.
Being a guided short meditation, it has been one of the favorite meditations of all time which yet stands as one of the most powerful methods for achieving peace and illumination.
Among the thousands of life changing testimonials about Twin Hearts Meditation, include:
Recharged Body and Improved Health
When doing the Twin Hearts Meditation, lots of divine energy enters our system which cleanses the dirty, diseased, used up energies and improves health. This shows itself as recharged body.
Sense of Peace and Happiness
Once the Hearts Chakra opens during the meditation and once the old emotional stuff flushes out of our system, we feel an inner peace within us and we are filled with love and happiness.
Better Self Esteem
Twin Hearts Meditation helps us remove the old picture of us and create a positive image. With more power, with cleaner system, more refined emotions and lots of divine energy we can achieve many things in life.
More Harmonizing Relationships
By doing Twin Hearts Meditation we will be filled with love; our Heart Chakra expands and our Crown Chakra develops. Once we use the generated energy to bless a person or a place after the meditation, it helps in bringing more harmony, love and peace for them as well.
Sharper and More Intelligent Mind
Once the old emotional thoughts and emotions are cleared from our system, we will have clearer mind and faster decision making.
More Good Luck
You have been heard about the famous phrases like “what we saw is what we reap” and “it is in giving that we receive.”
When we bless every person, every being on earth with love and light, peace and joy, hope and faith, we will see that even in difficult situations we will find help, hope and peace.
Increased Energetic Sensitivity and Clairvoyance Ability
Twin Hearts Meditation helps us to become more sensitive to the world of subtle energies. It also develops the Clairvoyance faculty and our awareness.
Improved Intuition
By developing the Crown Chakra, our intuition will be developed. People often call it direct knowing or inner guidance. Whatever it is called, intuition is a great tool to understand life and live it to the fullest with minimum mistakes.
Besides the personal developments, Twin Hearts Meditation is also a great way of service to the world by increasing harmony and world peace. It can be used for the benefit of an individual, a family, a community and greater than all for the benefit of the entire world.
Never tried it before? Contact your nearest Pranic Healing Center to start your amazing journey…
Download the Presentation… Here
Thank you so much for all the information you have available for twin hearts.
I am going to pass this on to as many people as possible so that they too can receive the benefits of this amazing life changing meditation.
Bravo Master for giving us these priceless gifts and many heart warm thanks to his devotees that are sharing his message.
Dear Kassandra, thank you so much for comments and great to hear that you are going to invite others to experience Twin Hearts :)
I need to know more how to practice it
Atma Nameste!
We could download the presentation on the Benefits of Twin Heart Meditation. Thank you so much for the presentation. We would like to use this presentation to spread Meditation on Twin Heart in the corporate world.
Kindly let us know if we need some special permission to use this presentation.
It will be great if you can share the Video on Twin Heart as well.
We are also looking for a presentation on Super Brain Yoga and its benefits. Kindly share if it is available to spread the same in schools.Thank you Master!
Kind regards,
Good description of THM. I like it. So I share it. Thank you.
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