“Diversity in form, unity in essence!”
Master Choa Kok Sui
From the time I would be asked as a small kid what did you want to do in life, I would say I will become a scientist or a doctor. That was only a kid in me which did not know any details nor was there even a bit of understanding of what it takes to even graduate higher school. When I took the basic Pranic Healing class I was so fascinated with the details given; I would wonder if the teacher was a medical doctor as the anatomy and anatomical positions were accurate and exact. Now when I teach the courses to people my medical background helps me to appreciate this even more.
Pranic Healing is one of the very standardised, simple, systematic and scientific energy healing modality that we have in this century. In my experience this is a very powerful and advanced technology of healing. It is seldom we come across such an amazing teacher who can easily simplify while at the same time make many complex – difficult spiritual and healing (esoteric) principles accessible to people from all walks of life.
Now lets take a few examples of what I mean. These are mainly based on my own experiences while working with medicine and Pranic Healing.
Modern medicine has evolved over a period of 100s of years to effect healing of several diseases at cellular (microscopic) level. But the treatments per say are limited to the physical body only. Pranic healing focusses on treating the energetic anatomy of the body which are the Aura and the Chakras. When a chemical or biosynthetic substance is released into the body; it is digested by the gastric juices and the medicines are slowly absorbed and works on the body through the blood stream, nervous system and the digestive – eliminative system. When chronically sick patients visit me for consultations I recommend some of them to bring their lot of regular medicinal supply.
You might wonder why do I do that?
I use the techniques of Pranic Healing on their tablets / pills. I observed that the residual side-effects of some of the heavy medicines are not seen in few cases. According to Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, etheric energy which is also called as Prana are of two types – gross prana and refined prana of which the former are heavier and the pranic molecules are bigger while the latter are lighter and the molecules are smaller.
When an affected part or chakra is energised it heals faster if the pranic energy is more refined as the small molecules are easily absorbed by the chakras. Gross pranic energy being heavy and larger in size takes time to be absorbed sometimes even might congest the area being energised.
So when I started cleaning and energising the medicinal supplements I observed that they energetically become more lighter and feel smoother compared to their original grosser state. So when my patients consume it they did not have much side-effects anymore. The newly refined state of the medicine had become more suitable for organs of these patients. Many times smaller dosages can be given in place of the whole tablet usually prescribed. In the book Miracles through Pranic Healing, Master Choa explains through as pictographic representation that how cleansing and energising enhances the quality of energy emanated by biosynthetic substances. So I recommend those who are on long standing medications like heart patients, diabetics, arthritic – rheumatic patients must visit a reputed Pranic Healer, get a complete healing session also let all the medicinal supplements be healed by the healer. It will enhance the healing properties of those medicines at the same time reduce it physical side-effects.
Doctors can also become Pranic Healers. They can heal their regular patients more faster than the usual by complementing the regular treatments with a Pranic Healing session. It is a great blend, best combination possible, marriage of two sciences, complementing each other which can promise dramatic and accelerated healing results.
I strongly recommend that patients and physicians both to have an open mind towards these thoughts and give it a try. The body responds immediately to the healing forces set forth during a Pranic Healing session. It is amazing to see instant and miraculous effects in almost all cases. I believe in a holistic approach for treating any ailment. This combination is very convenient, rejuvenating, revitalising and very comforting. Many of my medical friends are now showing interest and few are already using it more often in their regular practice. Few hospitals in India also have departments where Pranic healers are on call for healing their difficult patients. Testimonials say that, what would take most of them months to recover or heal took them just few weeks. May the miracles of healing spread far and wide through this beautiful marriage of medicine and healing.
Hi I read about your article. Its very enlightening.. I was just thinking if we can combine your expertise in Pranic healing and my knowledge in clinical research to some good use. How about we conduct a Clinical Trial and scientific validate the outcomes. I have a study design in mind and you can help in writing the protocol. We would just need volunteers/patients.
What say. It would be great to publish these results!-
We would love to Vipul :)
AMAZING article. Thank you! Dr. Prashant!
Vipul idea is fabulous!! personally, i have been looking for something similar. do you think pain management clinical study is a good idea for you?
I like the idea of research n protocol .ready o be a volunteer …
Vipul’s idea is encouraging. Please team up. let us help humen with the knowledge Grand Master Choa had given us.
Very interesting,as I am a nurse I lean towards holistic, therapies ,helen
Atma Namaste Can you please enlighten on the way to use PH on medical supplement My husband is suffering from Parkisons And the intake of Artane and Sinemet have lots of residual in the body Should I cleanse the tablets before he takes them to remove gross energy Would appreciate your help Thank you Doctor
Very interesting for me becouse I love pranic healing and very impressed from this therapy (healing).but I want to meet some doctors cm pranic healer now days but aisa nahi ho paa raha so by profession I’m pharmacist doing chemist shop last 15 yrs if u want to give some detail me more plz call me 9041736336
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